Lord, I have not reached this stage, have I?Time for these spiritual oases can be found by figuratively cutting the electric cord of the television and the wireless signal of the Internet to make way for reflection, prayer and medidation.
Somehow, I've spent really too much time on the Internet. Once I get my fingers on the keyboard, it would be rather difficult for me to stop. Thus causing me to lose my prayer time. Before, when I was still without broadband internet, I used to spend less time online and more time reading books on faith-related issues and the Bible. Now, I need to cut down on my prayer time because most of my time is spent in front of the computer.
I might not have any post at all this week, or I will just try to cut down my Internet time. I just want to spend more time with the Lord. This is the last week I've got to prepare for Easter.
May you also prepare well for Easter - the climax of Christianity and the most important feast of the Christian liturgical year.
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