I came home bringing what people call "The Cake of Our Lady the Virgin Mary", its dough in a container and a piece of paper with instructions and the history behind it. Due to that dough, I had a fight with my mom.
Method of Preparation:
As soon as you receive the dough place it in a glass, pyrex or plastic container and cover tightly with glad-wrap or foil. Never put it in the fridge.
DAY 1 & DAY 2 (Day 1 begins the day after you receive the dough)
Leave the dough covered and don't touch it so that it adapts to the atmosphere.
DAY 3 & DAY 4
Stir the dough with a wooden spoon and cover again.
Add 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of plain yogurt and 2 cups of plain flour. Stir well with a wooden spoon and cover again.
Stir well with a wooden spoon and cover.
DAY 10
Add 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of yogurt, 2 cups of plain flour and stir well with a wooden spoon. Mix well. Then divide the dough into 4 equal parts. 3 parts to be distributed amongst 3 faithful people (1/4 each). The 4th quarter is yours. Add to it 1/4 cup of sugar, 3 eggs and 1/2 cup of olive oil plus 2 teaspoons of baking powder. Mix well with a wooden spoon and pour into a buttered baking dish. Bake in a moderate oven (150) for 50 minutes.IMPORTANT NOTES
It is also known as Pope Pius bread. The story is told that an Italian woman who was suffering all her life from illness that she could not even do her house chores. One day her daughter asked to bake her a cake. She refused more than once because she was unable to do it. The daughter insisted so much taht the mother felt she needed to bake that cake. She asked the aid of the Virgin Mary. As soon as she started to prepare the cake, the Virgin Mary appeared and she herself prepared the cake for the woman. The woman was astonished with that was happening and the Virgin Mother told her "you yourself will eat from that bread and the world as well."
She asked her to keep 1/4 of the dough and to add to t the ingredients of the recipe to make the whole cake and distribute the other 3/4 to 3 other faithful people on condition, that they will do the same procedure to this miraculous dough.
Unto this day, no one has refused to bake this cake, yet, because it brings blessings and prosperity in all families that receive it and prepare it accordingly. It has been said that this bread travelled from the Vatican to America, Australia and Africa and this in itself is a miracle because:-
A -- Even though it is kept out of the fridge it never moulded.
B -- Its odour and form gives one an idea that it has yeast even though it does not.
I doubt it is true. If it is, I would have read it somewhere from the internet. Or even heard about it through some online friends, or even priests. I've been searching for it online. Nothing at all! Not even the mentioning of it! I even interviewed 2 or 3 online Catholic pals, nobody has even heard of its existence.
It was not intended for me. An aunty from the choir gave it to me because she didn't want to 'share' it further, and also because she doesn't believe in such a thing with no proof. I brought it home all because of curiosity and that I want to find out whether this is true.
Looks like I'll be the first person who refused to bake the cake.
I sincerely ask for the help of all readers, that, you would let me know:
1) the Truth behind this, proof;
2) your testimony (of how it changed your lives and what kind of blessings it brought to you and your loved ones).
If this is a fake myth, I think it's my responsibility to warn the other brothers and sisters about it. However, if they still choose to believe it, then it's perfectly their choice.
Please help me and the parishioners who believe blindly here in Malaysia. My heartiest appreciation to all.
Here in the US we call this recipe "friendship bread". It is delightful and everyone passes the recipe onto a relative or friend. When you bake it up, you must have someone over to share it with you. Blessings to you!
Hmmm... I would wish to know about the origins and all. But I choose to believe it since it's not a harm too. =) I think it's a great way to share. =D
CS, I think this might be the 'mutated' version of Friendship Bread, since they even misused Our Lady's name whereas the recipe is more or less the same. It could be a hoax. Thank you for giving me a clue to where it might have originated! ;) How's your Lent?
Sorciere, that's fine. But don't you think the cake tasted.... yucky? :P Thank you for dropping by.
My wife is making the cake now. She got it from one of her work colleagues (she works at a Catholic school). I don't like the fact that you have to pass some of the cake on, as is reminds me of a sort of chain letter. I am just sceptical about it all, particularly when they claim miracles like Marian visions. It also doesn't mention dates. The last Pope Pius (XII) was 1939-1958, if no-one has refused to make the cake, as stated, by this time, millions and millions of people around the world would have made it by now, probably several times. It is just impossible. Sorry, I go to church each week, I do not wish to offend anyone, I just don't like chain letters dressed as miracles. They cheapen our faith.
Dear Marco,
First of all, thank you for dropping by.
Exactly. I didn't believe it as well. I have even found proof that it is just a hoax. Will be posting that soon, on the moulded cake and changed dough.
Thank you for sharing, Marco!
hi...... Believe it or Not...... I followed the instructions step by step until the day to bake the cake...... My cake turned out perfect...... it's sweet and the texture is like butter cakes you normally bake...
Sorry but I guess you didn't follow instructions that's why your dough got moulded and cake didn't turn out well....
Just like wine..... the more mature the better if prepared properly..... GOD BLESS!!
well excuse those people who think that this miracle cake is fake but for your information this cake is actually the miracle cake from the blessed birgin mary and if you are a catholic then why don't you believe it to with all the miracles this specail dough has caused in families.like the person before me who posted a comment if you followed the instructions carefully then manybe it would have turned out perfect like the way it should have. so if you didn't read the steps then that goes to show that you refused the follow the steps exactly. this miracle dough realy does work if you do the right thing because i just tasted one tonight and all those things that are said about this cake that it has a nice and powerful smell and if you leave it out for 10 days and give 3 parts to other people is all true because we all talked about this cake and how right it tasted. so it was your own fault that you you didn't do it right because you only got 1 chance and to do it right and you spoiled it. i don't know what you did wrong but maybe you should pray to mary and ask her to help you believe that this is from her.
so please believe it and if you hav some share it with others so it can be passed on just as the intructions states.
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