
Jul 31, 2006

One Book Meme

I've not been using my brain for a while (two months, I guess) since my "liberation" from the university (Yess! I graduated!). This is the chance for me to think hard and try to remember the books I've read so far. Okay, let's see what I've got.

Tagged by Moneybags.

  1. One book that changed your life:
  2. I've read lots of books, English and Chinese alike. All those books contributed in changing my life, in one way or another. But the book that made the first impact in my life is A Sister's Joys and Sorrows by Sr. Thomasetta, published in 1961. My thought of considering religous life was first sparked by this book.

  3. One book that you've read more than once:
  4. Chronicles of the Christ: God Came Near by Max Lucado. Love it. One of the first books that brought me closer to God.

  5. One book you'd want on a desert island:
  6. The Word of God, The Bible. I'll need that to live and it acts as a reminder to me that I will never be alone.

  7. One book that made you laugh:
  8. Does the comic book count? Hehe. If not, then it goes to A Sister's Joys and Sorrows. Young Sr. Thomasetta was a Chinese nun who knew no English when she first entered the Convent. She translated some English words into Mandarin, which sounded similar but turned out to be totally different in meaning. And yes, those are really funny.

  9. One book that made you cry:
  10. As far as I remember, it was You Can Be Healed by Willy Nakar. Really touching.

  11. One book that you wish had been written:
  12. None for the time being.

  13. One book that you wish had never been written:
  14. Playboy Magazine. Hope that counts.

  15. One book you're currently reading:
  16. Journey of Faith by Willy Nakar.

  17. One book you've been meaning to read:
  18. Karol Wojtyla: The Thought of the Man Who Became Pope John Paul II by Rocco Buttiglione.

I tag anyone who's been reading extensively. God bless.

1 comment:

Audrey Yu said...

Hi Ely!

Hmm... "12 Steps in Alanon" seems to be rather interesting. But I haven't seen that book around here yet. Do you think I should get one too?

If you found some good reading materials, let me know too. I love reading, especially books that can bring me closer to God. I'm very forgetful, so I need to be constantly reminded that I live for the Lord. Books are one of the best way to help me keep that in mind.

My journey these days hasn't been that smooth too. Obstacles that get in the middle of my way... and sometimes I do what I'm not supposed to do, that I know hurts the Lord. I'm still hanging on to His Words too. :)

God bless and keep praying! ;)