
Nov 20, 2006

Church crisis?

Not just the Diocese of Orange. Somehow, somewhere around every corner of the world, a similar phenomenon may be present, whether we're aware of it or not.

Substitute the "Diocese of Orange" to your own diocese/parish. Is there anything fishy going on?

What am I thankful for this year? All you good Catholic parishioners who see my abuses and abominations in the Holy Trinity Parish and do absolutely nothing!

This is extremely scary for me. Apathy.


Anonymous said...

HI Audrey:
A little while back, my hubby and I were attending a small parish in which we started to get to know some of the other parishoners. Along the way we started seeing some red flags go up, so to speak, and we felt uncomfortable. Several of the parishoners, who were considered the big cheeses, we bad mouthing the priest, cussing out loud in front of the tabernacle, and gossiping something awful. We left that church and started attending another parish and have found quite the opposite thank goodness. Because we live rural and in a small town, on occasion we run into these people. We are not rude to them, but we do not give them the time of day. Satan is alive and well in our churches and we should pray for the church's protection. Thank you for bringing this topic up. Blessings!

ukok said...

What I've heard about it makes me so very grateful that I'm in a parish where reverence is practised.

Audrey, so very glad you're home safely!

Audrey Yu said...

Hi Ely!
Thanks goodness that you and your husband move away from that parish soon enough. There's something similar that's happening in my parish, but everybody seems to ask me to close an eye... I'm still wondering if I should point this matter out to everyone and solve it together. I'm still praying about it.

Thanks for sharing!

Wow, good for you and for the parishioners! Ohh, I'd like to request for your prayers that the parish I'm in will grow to be more reverent too.

God bless! ;)