
Mar 25, 2006

Journey with Jesus to the Cross

"We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You."
"Because by Your holy cross You have redeemed the world."

God made it possible for me to attend the weekly Lenten reflection, Mass and Stations of the Cross. Until this week, I've actually attended all the reflections and the Stations. Thank you, Lord!

I've started to like the Stations, especially when it is done together with the whole congregation in church. I felt so real... as if Jesus was visibly there but because I was at the very back of the crowd, I couldn't see Him. My heart was filled with sorrow, my eyes wet. There were two stational prayers that gagged me with tears:

"O Jesus! Falling again under the burden of our sins, and of Your sufferings for our sins, how often we grieved You by our repeated falls into sin! Oh, may we rather die than offend You again!" (7th Station)

"O Jesus! We devoutly embrace that honoured cross where You loved us even unto death. In that death we place all our confidence. Henceforth let us live only for You, let us die loving You, and in Your sacred arms." (12th Station)

I cannot understand why I can be so emotional. Is it something good, or bad? Does that indicate my love for Him has increaced tremendously? Does anyone else experienced the same situation like I did?

Ahh... whatever it is, I'm looking forward to the Station of the Cross next Friday.

I chanced upon the Online Stations of the Cross, suitable for private meditation and for those who cannot make it to the Stations in church.


Matthew said...

I love the Stations of the Cross. I pray it everyday, usually at home, from a prayer book I have from the Midwest Theological Forum Pontifical North American College.

And being emotional in this is nothing other than a good thing. Sometimes I also cry in the Stations. For me, showing emotion in the Stations is important. In the stations we spiritually journey with Christ as He is lead up to his Crucifixtion. It is very important to remain somber in our journey.

This is a prayer to Mary in the Stations that makes me tear up:

Let me share with you His pangs,
who for all our sins was slain,
who for me in torments died.

Matthew said...

I received this link in an email a few weeks ago, and I wanted to share it with you. It's the Way of the Cross from Mary's view:

Audrey Yu said...


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, and the Mary's Way of the Cross too. It's amazing! :)

I'll try to pray the Stations privately this week...

God bless!