I just came back from the Seminar a few hours ago. The theme for the seminar is Fan Into Flame, with charismatic revival as the main topic. It was a shock because I've never seen another international catholic worship group that is really on fire for God... they are as good as those from Hillsong Australia! The speakers (from ELIM) told us what worship is all about and how one should worship; what it is to be spiritually revived, and what will happen when revival strikes.
The message from these speakers were so strong that all of us could feel the Spirit at work even when they were sharing (and not ministering). I was also personally touched by the Spirit during the worship session. I somehow was transformed to have a greater fear of the Lord.
Well, not yet... the best is yet to come. According to them, this was just a foretaste of God's glory. They showed us a video of their past seminars. All I can say is... AWESOME! We saw hundreds slained in the Spirit as the Elder of ELIM community, Bro. Willy lifted his hands to pray over the crowds. It was just AMAZING!
If you ask me what I am expecting in the next session, which is tomorrow, my answer is still the same: I don't know. Perhaps, after this first session, I will be expecting the unexpected from God. I will also try to take some photos tomorrow, if possible.
Please remember me in your prayers. Thank you!
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I will be away from blogging for 3 days, starting tomorrow.
I'm attending a seminar (28-30th June) by the ELIM group and GenRev from the Philippines for the whole day. I paid RM75 (equivalent to USD21) for the whole seminar, another half is sponsored by the choir fund (where the actual amount is RM150 or USD42 per person). I anticipated the seminar, but I don't know what to expect. Well, let's see what surprises God has in store for me for that 3 days.
For some pictures of GenRev concert (which we will be having too on the night of 29th & 30th June), pay a visit to my fellow church friend's post at Celt's Cryptic Sphere.
Keep me in my prayers! Thank you!