
Mar 12, 2006

My 1st week of Lent

The 2nd week of Lent has started today. Looking back at how I did in the first week, honestly I haven't done much. Of the 15 ways to improve my lent, I only practised... ONE - point no.3. Arrgh, what a shame.

I wonder what was wrong with my tongue lately. When things did not go as I expected, those familiar words were automatically added to my sentences. I did not realise it most of the time, only after the words were uttered. "Audrey, stop cursing!" A friend of mine would never fail yielling at me everytime she heard those words coming from me. *Sigh* Really bad, is it not?

For the 2nd week of Lent, I would like to specially practise point no.8 -- observe five minutes of silence every day. I hope not just for 5 minutes, but for the whole day. I want to learn how to control my tongue, when to talk and when not to. At these moments of silence, I want my thoughts to be occupied by God alone. And most importantly, I'm sure I lack humility.

There are so many things I wish to do to improve my christian life (not just my Lent!), but the more I planned, the less I take them into practice. I did not have enough sleep last week as I wanted to finish my thesis draft; perhaps my lack of sleep caused all the resentments in me.

How was your first week of Lent?

I pray that all those who are preparing for Easter will walk more closely with Jesus this week. God bless everyone.


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading your page today. May God continue to bless and give you strength to struggle against the flesh. Keep up the good work!

the sinner,

Audrey Yu said...

Thank you, Ron, for dropping by.

God bless!