
May 31, 2006

Babies aborted for not being perfect

via Katolik Shinja.

I hate this, but for those who have not seen this, please read the news.

"Campaigners warned we are turning into a society that can no longer tolerate imperfection."

A question to ponder: If you can't tolerate imperfections, then why not change yourself first? Are you telling me that you are perfect? If not, then why do you kill the innocent when you cannot remove your own imperfections?

The teaching of the Church (CCC) regarding abortion:

2270 Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person - among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.

2272 Formal co-operation in an abortion constitues a grave offence. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life. A person who procures a completed abortion incurs excommunication latae sententiae, by the very commission of the offence, and subject to the conditions provided by Canon Law. The Church does not thereby intend to restrict the scope of mercy. Rather, she makes clear the gravity of the crime committed, the irreparable harm done to the innocent who is put to death, as well as to the parents and the whole society.

2274 Since it must be treated from conception as a person, the embryo must be defended in its integrity, cared for, and healed, as far as possible, like any other human being.

Please say no to abortion!

The true Christian!!

*giggled* A friend sent me this short clip about the Da Vinci Code today, which make me laugh like mad! This is really a good example of what we Christians should say when the others confront us about the Da Vinci Code. Click the Singlish version, worth the watch. Here's the link.

May 29, 2006

I watched DaVinci Code!

Errrm... not really.

I borrowed the pirated VCD from a friend (who is a Protestant). We watched the first half (Disc 1) together in the lab after we're done with our work. When we were waiting for the 2nd disc to load, something happened... it failed to run.

Wow. It's wholly... terrifying and not impressive at all! The first part has already freaked me out! When I saw Silas (wondering if his name is spelt correctly) 'chastitising' his body in front of the Crucifix, I just couldn't imagine what the non-Christians and non-Catholics would think about! The worst part was, my friend fell asleep after a while. That proved how unimpressive the story is. I almost fell asleep too! A few friends of mine also commented that the book seems to be more interesting than the movie.

Would I go for the 2nd half of the movie? I don't know. If my friends have the VCD or DVD and offer to lend me, then most probably I'll continue the 2nd half. I'm interested in how Robert Langdon find out about the 'truth'. I always love to know how people solved a mystery. Apart from that, the distorted truths can do no harm to me since I've knew the Ultimate Truth.

Diego at My Journey to Sainthood will be posting his review on the movie very soon. He has read the book and is planning to watch the movie.

May 28, 2006

Our Lady's Message from Medjugorje

25th May, 2006

“Dear children! Also today I call you to put into practice and to live my messages that I am giving you. Decide for holiness, little children, and think of heaven. Only in this way, will you have peace in your heart that no one will be able to destroy. Peace is a gift, which God gives you in prayer. Little children, seek and work with all your strength for peace to win in your hearts and in the world. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

© Children of Medjugorje

May 24, 2006

When homosexual becomes this close...

While I was taking a little break from work, surfing and checking mails and news in the lab today, my best pal popped up and we chatted for a while. To make long story short, he gave me a link (to a blog) and asked me to look there, which I did. Besides looking at what he asked me to look at, a post caught my eye.

“A review of all Malaysian laws governing homosexual behaviour.”

Wow, amazing. I’ve been a Malaysian for so long but little did I know that there are laws regarding homosexual! I thought to myself and in hope of reading what I hope it would be, I clicked the link to that particular post.

To my disappointment… Malaysia is AGAINST homosexual ACTS or BEHAVIOURS, but homosexual is still NOT ILLEGAL (although homosexual marriage is still not recognized).

I even found out later that that blog belongs to a… you know what I mean. And also have I realized something else - homosexual has already invaded Malaysia (a proof that Malaysia is no longer a conservative country) and it has started rooting. What a scary fact!!

I don’t know if I should consider myself as being blessed. I’ve been asking a few close friends about this question: What if your best friend suddenly tells you one day that he’s got a new lover, and that person is a guy? What would be your reaction? Although I’ve got positive responses from my friends (most of them Christians), saying that they might not be able to accept it at first but will slowly do so since it is so common these days, I found it almost impossible to accept it (even though it has been a month or two now since he told me so).

Now you see, I’m a Catholic who abides by God’s law. But my best pal seems to be my worst ‘enemy’ in many things… he loves to call himself “Prince of Darkness”, a name which is used to address Satan; worst still, he is practicing homosexuality.

I really don’t know what to do now. Should I just end this friendship that has lasted more than 10 years? No way! I really cherish him as a friend, and it is so un-catholic for me to leave him because of this reason. Then what if he’s ‘getting married’ one day and I’m invited (I’m pretty sure I would be invited), should I go for his wedding ceremony?

Amidst all these worries I’ve been having for months now, I thank the Lord for the opportunity to see and experience for myself the anguish many people (e.g. parents for gays and lesbians) have. I may not know what His plan is for me, but still I thank Him for this invaluable experience and an eye opener. However, Father, please I pray You that their hearts and minds will be opened to Your love one day, if You willed it. Amen.

May 23, 2006

The Da Vinci Code... revisited

The other day, I was talking to a senior youth about the Da Vinci Code and asking him whether he has seen the movie or read the novel. That is still the hottest topic among Catholics here.

His answer was unexpected, as always. I was expecting him to tell me not to read or even watch the movie. Instead, he encouraged me to read the book. Here's a little conversation of ours:

Him: I've read the book myself. And I was laughing all the way through. Really wondered how Dan Brown is able to twist and turn truths into a whole pool of lies. You should read the book too.

Me: Huh? You serious?

Him: Yeah. Why should I joke? You know that Jesus really died on the Cross on Good Friday. You know that He resurrected on Easter morning. You know the Truth! Then what are you afraid of? The book can do you no harm at all!

Me: Oh yes, I will read the book, but do you know where I can get the "Decoding Da Vinci Code" book?

Him: Why do you need the "Decode" book? It's just a waste of money to buy that book! You don't need it!

Me: How do you explain why there are Christians who left the Church after reading the book?

Him: They don't know enough of the Faith. That's why they are so easily misled by the lies. For you and I, our faith is well grounded and we have experienced Christ's love personally. So don't worry. If you know anyone of your friends having the book, just borrow it from them. Don't ever waste your money buying it.

I do agree with him on one thing. Many Christians or even Catholics have stopped believing and left the church after reading this book because they did not know enough of the Christian/Catholic faith.

So if you know that you are just a 'beginner' in this journey with God, perhaps you should NOT read the book. Or even watch the movie.

Photo courtesy Petalia.

May 19, 2006

Da Vinci Code - Is boycotting the best solution?

A good question?

I've been receiving a lot of comments, opinions and did a few read-ups too on whether or not Catholics (and Protestants as well) boycott the movie. Of course, the answers I've received are both 'yes' and 'no'.

If you're still undecided whether to go for the movie tomorrow (19/05/06), or even if you have already made your decision, do visit these few sites which I found and read what the experts have to say.

  1. The DaVinci Code: An Opportunity for the Gospel – Are You Ready?
  2. Speak strong. Speak softly.
  3. How To Leverage The Da Vinci Code.
  4. The Big Question: Do We Protest, Boycott, or Engage?

Here's another post: Boycott Da Vinci Code. I agree with what these people have to say.

If you still want to go for the movie, then please pray and get yourself spiritually ready. Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and for God's protection that you may not be led astray.

I have made up my mind NOT to go for the movie. I'm not going to let my money flow into the pockets of the producer. If God wills it, I might get myself a pirated DVD; if not, then I will just forget about it.

Please please please pray before you make your decision!

May 18, 2006

Happy Birthday, John Paul II

I'm sure there is a grand celebration in Heaven today -- celebrating the birthday of John Paul II.

I did not have any special post during his death anniversary, so let me share with you today my thoughts and memory of the pope I loved so much.

I knew of his existance only when I was 11. I understood that he was the Head of the Church and I respected him for who he was. At the age 15, a Catholic friend borrowed a book especially about Pope John Paul II to me. That was when I got to know him a little better and I started to give more attention to him and his messages etc. At the age of 20, I came to a full understanding of his role as the Head of the Church, and from then onwards I am ever faithful to the Church's teachings... and he also became one of the most important people in my life.

What attracted me the most about him was his love for youths and children. Allen from Kenya wrote this in his article as a tribute to PJP II (see below). For those of you who have been to World Youth Day 1995, you should be familiar with this:

"We love you Pope Lolek!"
"Lolek is a name for a baby, but I am an old man..."
"No! No!"
"...but John Paul is too serious. Call me Karol."

The above exchange took place between John Paull II and young people in Manila, on January 14th 1995. They began chanting: "John Paul II! We kiss you!" And he replied: "And I kiss you too, all of you! No jealousy!"

(Pope John Paul II - Friend of the Youth by Allen Ottaro)

Oh well, I am jealous. I wasn't there to see him!

I believe many young people like me fell in love with John Paul II. Perhaps, it was because of his spontaneity with the youths. Or perhaps, we youths knew that he always kept us dear to his heart. For me, I was touched by this Pope because I saw Christ in him. I saw a glimps of Jesus in him. Therefore, I had been looking forward to attending World Youth Day... I wanted to meet him so badly! However, I did not make it to meeting him before he was called home by the Lord. Even though so, I felt a very special bond connecting me to him. And this same bond has also connected me to many youths around the world (through Vatican Friends, blogging etc.).

What else can I say about him? Everything I know and feel about him have been mentioned in many posts and blogs during his 1st death anniversary. There is no need for me to repeat. One thing for sure, is that it will take me forever to forget him. He has made so much impact on my life (many which I cannot remember anymore), and he was the one who brought me even closer to God.

Father God, I pray today to thank You for sending Karol here for us youths. Thank You, Father, for Your unconditional love for us. Dear John Paul II, look down from Heaven and may you continue to keep us in your heart. Amen!

Happy Birthday, Pope Lolek! We love you!

Gifts on Pentecost

Pentecost is just 2 weeks away. Are you praying for the gifts of the Holy Spirit during its outpouring on Pentecost? What particular gift are you expecting?

A Catholic Life has posted this: A draw can be madee (if you requested it) to pick the fruit/gift of the Holy Spirit which you can pray for this Penticost.

Why not drop by and give it a try? It works for me. But first, please say a prayer to the Father before placing your request.

I received the gift of Counsel and the fruit of Patience. Truly, it is the Lord's will to give me these. He knows that I need help in decision-making and that I lack patience. I'll be praying for these two gift and fruit for the coming Pentecost.

Photo courtesy Christian United Kids.

May 14, 2006

Let's BOYCOTT!!!!

I received this email from Esteven. It came to me just in time! Read on, and do let me know what you think. I'm still trying to put opinions from different people together so as to decide whether or not I should read the book. I have already gotten rid of the thought of watching the movie, but I'm still considering the book.

Hell's Latest Production:
The Da Vinci Code
(Also Known As)
"A Load of Nonsense"

Any Catholic reading this post now should strongly consider boycotting the up-coming screening of the movie- Da Vinci Code.

The movie explicitly ignores and disrespects the Catholic Church. Furthermore, it is full of mistakes and may- if not will- orient people away form the Church.

It is high time that Catholics (and Protestants) all around the world unite to fight for the very one thing we have in common- Our love for Jesus Christ. This is our belief. It may not be the world's, but freedom of religion is a basic human right and therefore, should jolly well be respected.

Take Islam, Hinduism or any other religion for example. Any attempt to insult their belief or founder would spark widespread fury and anger. They would not be simply discussing the matter or typing blog entries like this one... they'll make it PAINFULLY clear to the entire world.

Maybe it is because of OUR founder's loving and forgiving nature that has made us what we are. And it is simply this loving and forgiving nature of our's that the secular world is trying to exploit.

I'm not asking anyone to send death threats to the movie's producers or to Dan Brown, because that wouldn't even be biblical.

I'm simply asking all who profess to be Christian to boycott the film when it is released. Let the world know our displeasure. Hurt the production's economics by not spending S$8.50 (RM10 in Malaysia) on that Golden Villaige movie ticket and put it into the offertory box on Sunday.

I strongly warn those who watch it. So much is at stake here... Our faith will be put to the test during the movie. I don't know if I'll remain a Catholic all my life, so do priests and religious. What makes you think the devil will not make a quick buck on that day when you're comfortable seated in the comforts of the theater hall? Don't continue with the belief that that movie is only entertainment and harmless. It is Atomic!

Likewise, do not say that you want to watch it to gain better understanding. All we need to lead a healthy Christian life is to 1) snack on the Word of God- The Bible, 2) to invoke the Holy Spirit each day for the necessary graces and 3) frequently receive the Sacraments.

There is no need to put our faith to the test by watching Hell's latest production. If you really want to defend the faith, then go pick up a copy of any Da Vinci Code Apologetics book from your local bookstore or from a Catholic Media Centre.

Did you know that Saint John Vianny once said, "Blesphemy is the language of Hell." It indeed is and blesphemy against the almighty, supreme God of heaven and earth is evidently present in our day and age.

The movie Da Vinci Code is probably the climax of all blesphemy.

With strong faith and conviction in the Risen Christ, let us not buy lies from the father of lies or his instruments. Instead, let us believe firmly in the truth because it is the truth that sets us free. Accept the truth that is Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord and Savior.

If we have professed the title Christian and if the spirit has bore witness in our hearts that we are sons and daughters of God, stand up now and defend the beautiful faith that our Lord Jesus Christ instituted more than 2000 years ago.

Do not watch Hell's latest production, put that money to better good use.

Author: Paul Domingo Molina

Happy Mother's Day

To all mothers around the world today.... and the greatest mother of all -- Our Lady


May God continue to bless you with His love, joy and hope... Thank you for all you've done for us! We love you, Mum!

May 13, 2006

Should I, or should I not?

A week from now The Da Vinci Code will be in cinemas.

Should I or should I not go for it? If the Malaysian government bans the movie, then should I grab the novel instead?

What has been on my mind is this: How can I defend my own Faith if I don't know what are written in the novel? How can I clear the doubts of my friends without reading this book? And besides, I want to know how serious this book is in influencing Christians. But I fear... what if I also stop believing God after reading this novel?

One thing for sure, before I start reading this book or going for the movie, I'll hunt for the book The Da Vinci Deception first so that right after I finish The Da Vinci Code/movie, I can read the other book to identify the false 'teachings' and to prevent myself from dropping into the Devil's trap.

Have anyone of you fellow Catholics/Christians out there who have read the book? What advice would you give me? Is it okay for me to read the book?

I'm still praying about this and hopefully the Lord will guide me through.

Story behind my absence

Finally, I'm back to blogging again.

My presentation was over. I did fine and was satisfied with it. That means I've finally graduated. No more learning by heart (which I hate a lot). No more stressful moments. No more deadlines to meet. Time for a long holiday before I decide what to do next.

However, things were not as I've expected. Life is never a bed of roses. I've been facing weeks of difficult moments since the day I finished with presentation. I accepted the job of a research assisstant (for a month only) offered by my supervisor's wife, another lecturer who knows me. Little did I know that I would be handling things that I've never done before. I have to blame myself for jumping into it without asking the Lord for His opinion and whether it was His Will. So I took the job and worked like crazy -- I skipped breakfast and lunch, and sometimes dinner too. I started work early but went home late. Since I'm new to the experiments I'm handling, I worked slow and in fear. The worst thing was that there was no one in the lab except me, so I have to work all alone without help. Fortunately, a friend of mine noticed how depressed I was and suggested that I ask the lecturer to hire another research assisstant to help me out, which I did. I thank the Lord for the friends He sent me during my darkest hours. I was overjoyed when another friend (who knows much better than me in the field of chemistry) came into the lab and told me that she has accepted the job to help me. Finally, tears of depression turned into tears of joy! Thank You, Father, for not desserting me!

That friend told me that she was the one who set up the whole experiment in the beginning, and it was also a hard time for her. Another Masters student also said the same thing to me -- it wasn't an easy job at all. If these two experts said the job isn't easy, then it is certainly tougher for me since I'm just a beginner! Even though there's internet connection in the lab, I didn't have any spare time to get online at all, no time to lose! Now, at least I can relax a little and the two of us managed to finish all analysis in one day! Praise the Lord for that!

Guess I must have missed a lot of news in the Catholic world. I'm planning to go to the lab earlier every morning to get myself updated while waiting for my friend to arrive. Or perhaps, someone can update me on the recent happenings.

My dearest Friend and Saviour, I thank You for the many blessings You have showered me and Your very presence when I'm in need. I don't know how to thank You enough! Let me offer up tomorrow's Mass as thanksgiving and a sacrifice of praise. Father, I have been such a child of little faith but never have You given up on me. Thank You for the friends You sent me, their words of encouragement and their being there. My Beloved Mother, thank You for always praying with and for me. Amen!

May 4, 2006

If you're single and you're living in Kuching...

... and you're considering or curious of religious life in Carmelite. There will be a special meeting with the Carmelite nuns on 7th May (Vocation Sunday), from 10:30am-5.30pm. Lunch and tea breaks provided. It's totally free. You will get to see the conditions and life in the Carmelite monastry through a video recorded by the nuns themselves, and you will be able to meet all the sisters who live in the monastry and talk to them!

Inviting all girls and ladies who are still single (but if you're married and you're still interested, you're welcomed too!). You can drop me a mail (check my profile) before Saturday 6th May for any further information and for registration (the sisters need to know how many people will be present).

Help us spread the word around! Thank you!