Was reading some news at Catholic Online when I got to this one Christmas lights are reminder that Christ is world's light, pontiff says. I found that the most interesting part is the photo of the Pope...

Isn't he CUTE? *giggled*
A spiritual journal of a Secular Discalced Carmelite's journey to the top of the mount.
Isn't he CUTE? *giggled*
Violet candles, symbolizing penance and preparatory sacrifices made at this
time, are lit on the first, second, and fourth Sundays of Advent. The rose
candle is lit on the third Sunday ('Gaudete Sunday', when the priest also wears
rose vestments at Mass), a day of rejoicing because the faithful have arrived at
the midpoint of Advent and anticipate Christmas.
Denial of reports of threat to East Timor Protestant pastor
A story that has been circulating that Rev Ferdinando Flores will soon be executed in retribution for converting East Timorese Catholics to his own Christian denomination, are false, according to the Rome-based AsiaNews agency.
AsiaNews reports that the story, that included calls for prayers, was spread by hundreds of mobile text messages and e-mails in the United States, the Philippines, the UK, and even in Italy.
The message asked people to pray for Pastor Flores who was going to be executed by being beaten to death in East Timor.
In the English town of Leicester 300 Christians gathered in a vigil prayer for the unfortunate pastor who was waiting to die.
AsiaNews says that Flores' own web page says, the "information you have received [about the imminent execution] is not correct."
For some months the pastor had been preaching in the area and had "converted" and re-baptised ten Catholics. This led some local catechists to protest against his proselytising. At one point, the whole village came out and surrounded the clergyman's house where they engaged in an animated discussion over his methods of evangelisation.
According to Rev Flores, the tensions caused his colleague to have a nervous breakdown.
After the publicity his case received as a result of the many and e-mails, one of his colleagues said that "Ferdie experienced quite a bit of persecution recently instigated by the Roman Catholic Church . . . but there has not been any physical harm done".
The story, blown out of proportion by the chain of SMS and e-mails, seems to be just a local matter, so much so that the Superior of the Jesuits in Dili, which is just a few dozens kilometres from the village, told AsiaNews he never heard about it until now.
I was in Purgatory tonight. It was as if I were being led into an abyss, where I saw a large hall. It is touching to see the Poor Souls so quiet and sad. Yet their faces reveal that they have joy in their hearts, because of their recollection of God's loving mercy. On a glorious throne, I saw the Blessed Virgin, more beautiful than I had ever beheld Her. She said, "I entreat you to instruct people to pray for the suffering Souls in Purgatory, for they certainly will pray much for us out of gratitude. Prayer for these holy souls is very pleasing to God because it enables them to see Him sooner..."(From the Revelation of Blessed Anna Katarina Emmerich)
The Thanksgiving Dance. Took place right after Thanksgiving hymns. Sarawak Catholics are made up of the many different races - the Chinese, the Indians and the indeginous people/groups. The dancers were dressed up according to the ethnic groups. This kind of dance is very common for important Masses eg. Gawai Thanksgiving Mass, Christmas, Easter (in that Cathedral and some Kampungs [villages] only).
The St. Joseph Cathedral. Taken from the Choir section. After Mass, everyone was rushing out to get their cars. They didn't want to block others. Usually the priests will be meeting and greeting the parishioners outside the church. I wanted to show you the most handsome priest I've ever met here, but too bad I couldn't get his pic! And our choir conductor (not in the pic, I still haven't got much 'paparrazi skills') too.. gosh he's so CUTE!!! Hehehe...
Some men and women dedicate their lives completely to God without becoming Priests or Nuns or Brothers... through vows or promises to practise celibacy and poverty... some do not wear any special religious dress; they usually continue to live in their own homes; they share in a special way in the life of the Church by their regular christian service of others.
For the Discalced Carmelites Order and the Church in Malaysia
Jesus needs help in looking after His sheep and He is calling you
not to work for Him but to work with Him as:-
A Carmelite or Diocesan Priest A Carmelite nun A Secular Carmelite (Membership is open to single, married,
widow and Diocesan Priest)
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Extreme |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | High |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Very Low |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Moderate |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Very Low |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Low |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Very Low |
Level 7 (Violent) | Low |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Low |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Very Low |
"The reason I am showing this to you, My daughter, is so that you will fully
understand that no matter how good people are, they will go to hell if they do
not accept Me." - Heaven Is So Real, pg.52
The stage... before everyone else (performers and audiences) arrived, I had the opportunity to snap a pic of the stage and imagined myself standing up there.
The full name of the event
Mdm. Pricilla from the Philippines. When I met her for the first time during the rehearsal, I thought to myself, 'What on earth is this ah mah (old grandmother) doing here? Is she the relative of someone here?' But then I found out that she's the soloist for 'Laudate Dominum' and when I heard her voice... OH GOSH... *with dropped jaw* ...it was unthinkably NICE! [One
lesson for me to learn - don't judge others by their appearance!]
The trio. I was greatly attracted by the boy with the tuxedo. That was my first time seeing a real tuxedo. And wasn't he smart in that tux? =) His voice was... WOW... (you know what I mean, don't you?)
Last but not least, that's the choir. This was taken right after the concert when Mrs. Geraldine Law-Lee came up to the stage to congratulate everyone for the great singing.
The Choral Concert was on 1st October, 8p.m. Malaysian time.